BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Milwaukee with Kids - ECPv6.2.8.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Milwaukee with Kids REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Chicago BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:CDT DTSTART:20230312T080000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20231105T070000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:CDT DTSTART:20240310T080000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:CST DTSTART:20241103T070000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231212T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231212T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231213T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231213T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133943Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231214T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231214T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231215T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231215T200000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133941Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231216T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231216T180000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133942Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133942Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231219T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231219T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231220T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231220T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133943Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231221T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231221T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231222T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231222T200000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133941Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231223T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231223T180000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133942Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133942Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231226T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231226T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231227T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231227T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133943Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231228T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231228T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231229T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231229T200000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133941Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20231230T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20231230T180000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133942Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133942Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240102T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240102T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240103T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240103T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133943Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240104T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240104T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240105T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240105T200000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133941Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240106T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240106T180000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133942Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133942Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240109T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240109T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240110T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240110T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133943Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240111T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240111T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240112T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240112T200000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133941Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240113T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240113T180000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133942Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133942Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240116T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240116T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240117T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240117T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133943Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240118T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240118T193000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20220808T002734Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220808T002734Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240119T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240119T200000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133941Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240120T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240120T180000 DTSTAMP:20231210T111224 CREATED:20230911T133942Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230911T133942Z SUMMARY:Drop-In Tinker Lab and DIY Studio at Field Workshop in Greendale DESCRIPTION:Our Tinker Lab and Kids’ Craft Studios provide a free-form creative experience where guests can explore different materials and activities including painting\, beading\, hot glue\, electronics\, STEM activities\, craft projects\, slime and more.  Price includes access to all of our materials  for maximum creative exploration.  Projects from our DIY Studio collection can be purchased for an additional fee. \nActivities can be adapted for children between ages 2 through teen.   \nParents can create alongside their children\, work on a self-guided project in our DIY Studio\, or visit the local shops while the kids age 5+ explore tinker and create. \nWith rotating projects and access to a wide variety of materials and tools\,  there is always something to pique the imagination. \nTHIS IS A DROP-IN ACTIVITY ONLY.  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. \nDROP OFF: Parents of children age 5+ may choose to drop their children off for their Tinker Lab time\, or stay and create with them.  Children under age 5 must be accompanied by a parent while at the workshop. \nPricing: Pay As You Go: 1st hour $12 + tax; Additional 30 minute increments $6 + tax. URL: LOCATION:Field Workshop\, 5686 S Broad St\, Greendale\, WI\, 53129\, United States CATEGORIES:South Suburbs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Erin Dummert at Field Workshop" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR